
Getting Reimbursed Just Got Easier

Does your firm consider printing and copying overhead? Do you try to bill your clients for reproductions, but rely on the clipboard honor system to track? Or maybe you use software to track those expenses, but the software’s hard to use, or rude to your employees.

Compatible with CAD, BIM, and accounting, Argos is friendly, easy cost recovery software that understands design professionals.

Automation for Deltek Vision

Project synchronization Argos automatically pulls your projects, phases, tasks, project managers and locations directly from Deltek Vision on your schedule. Data round-trip Argos automatically sends expense data back into Deltek Vision, so there's no more inaccurate, tedious ten-key data entry.

Qualify for a FREE 10-Day Trial

Track usage, reduce waste, and get reimbursed by clients for print and copy expenses – without slowing the pace of business. What you’ll get:

  • A fully functional 10-day trial of Argos with access to all Argos features
  • Compatibility with all major multi-function printers and copiers
  • Complete reporting capability – gain instant insight into your usage
  • Intuitive interface with your accounting
  • World-class Clarity Imaging Solutions support to help you take full advantage of your trial